Parameters for Silent/Automated Python Installation

quiet Ensures a silent installation of Python
/log “%WINDIR%\Temp\Python39-Install.log” Create an Installation Log File
The Python 3.9 installer offers the option to generate a log file during installation to assist with troubleshooting should any problems arise. You can use the following command to create a verbose log file with details about the installation.
TargetDir=”C:\Python39″ Change Default Installation Directory
You can change the default installation directory by using the following command line parameters. In this example, we installing Python 3.9 to “C:\Python39”
Include_doc=0 Exclude Python Documentation
Include_pip=0 Exclude Pip (Tool for Installing and Managing Python Packages)
Include_tcltk=0 Exclude Tkinter and IDLE Development Environment
Include_test=0 Exclude Python Standard Library Test Suite
Include_launcher=0 Exclude Python Launcher for Windows
AssociateFiles=1 Associate Files with Python
Shortcuts=0 Exclude Shortcuts for Interpreter, Documentation and IDLE
PrependPath=0 Exclude Python from PATH Environment Variable
CompileAll=1 Compile all .py files to .pyc
Include_symbols=1 Include Python Debugging Symbols
Include_debug=1 Include Python Debug Binaries
repair Performs a repair of the Python installation
uninstall Uninstalls Python

Silent Python Installation Example

python-3.9.x.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1
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